Can you use the word เพิ่ง for an event that happened a little while ago? I've seen lots of examples of the word เพิ่ง used for events that just happened a moment ago. For example, เขาเพิ่งทำอาหารเสร็จ or ฉันเพิ่งพูดกับเขา. But can you also use this word for events that happened recently, but a little while ago? For example, could I say ฉันเพิ่งย้ายบ้านไปประเทศแคนาดา even if I actually moved to Canada a week or two ago? Or can เพิ่ง only be used for events that only happened a few minutes ago? Thanks for any insight!
2015年8月10日 04:06
回答 · 5
Yes, you can use เพิ่ง for an event that happened a little while ago. You can say ฉันเพิ่งย้ายบ้านไปประเทศแคนาดา
You can use the word "เพิ่ง" for events that just happened. However, the duration should match the type of events. - "เพิ่งตื่นนอน" is O.K. if it was 10, 15 minutes ago but I will not use "เพิ่งตื่นนอน" if I already woke up for an hour. If my daughter said "เพิ่งตื่นนอน" after she woke up for an hour, it will give a feeling that she is not ready to do things such as reading, ... yet. - "เพิ่งย้ายไปแคนาดา" is good if it happen a few months ago e.g. "เพิ่งย้ายไปแคนาดาสองสามเดือนที่แล้ว". Six months may be O.K. if you fell that you are still new to the place. Moving is a major event.
เพิ่ง can be relative. You can used it with something that just happened a few seconds ago as well as something that happened a few weeks ago... or even last year! ฉันเพิ่งย้ายไปแคนาดาเมื่อปีที่แล้ว - I just moved to Canada last year (in a more casual speech you can drop the word ประเทศ)
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