How do I say," you're in trouble!" Like a school teacher scolding you in korean? I also want to sound like a teacher about to disciple their student, but in a joking way or sarcasm
2016年2月15日 23:57
回答 · 3
"You're in trouble!" => 넌 혼 좀 나야 돼 [해]! / 너 혼 좀 날래? / 너 벌 좀 받아야겠다! - 혼나다/혼이 나다다: get a scolding from a teacher, parent, etc; have a punishing hard time. - 혼내다/혼을 내다: scold someone. - 벌(을) 받다: be punished (벌 = punishment). - 벌(을) 주다: punish someone. * 혼 means "spirit", so 혼내다 literally means scolding severely enough to get the spirit out of him.
Thank you soo much sujin!
항상 니가 문제야~(Makes student be shame, so show funnyface when u say) 또 너냐? You again?! 이런 말썽꾸러기~ Kind of joke bit blaming. Means troublemaker but cute