Play square? In its thudding glory? Meaning? These excerpts come from the novel The shining: 1.Jack said. "I called because I didn't think you played square with me. And because--" "Didn't play square?" Ullman cried. "My God, did you think I was going to share a large pile of dirty laundry with the hotel's caretaker? What does "play square with" mean? 2. For a moment Jack's headache came back in all its thudding glory, and he closed his eyes against the pain. What does "in its thudding glory" mean? Thank you
2016年11月25日 04:39
回答 · 3
"To play square" is to be up front with someone. Honest. Straightforward. "In all its thudding glory" describes the thudding pain of a headache at its full strength. While the expression "in all its glory", spoken in sincerity, would mean that something is truly splendid; beautiful; glorious, it is most often used ironically to indicate a certain disdain: "The Emperor stood naked before them, in all his glory". His nakedness was anything BUT glorious. I expect that that is "as clear as mud!"