Are these sentences written correctly? 1 I started working at the airport that is placed in my town. 2 My town is not big that's why there are not many planes fly to our town. 3 I don't like my job and I'll change it for another one at the first opportunity. 4 Money make me do what I hate.
2016年12月2日 14:53
回答 · 4
1 I started working at the airport that is located in my town. 2 My town is not very big that's why there are not many planes flying here/there. 3 I don't like my job and I'll change it for another one at the first opportunity. 4 Money makes me do what I hate.
I suggest something like: 1. I started working at the airport that is located in my town. 2. My town is not very big, so few planes use our airport. 3. I don't like my job, so I'll change it at the first opportunity. 4. Money is why I do what I hate.