who agree with me the arabic song is more beatifull thAn english song? if you dont belive me watch فلة - أهل المغنى and nancy ajram......................................................
2008年12月5日 18:19
回答 · 6
I agree with you that arabic songs are more beautiful than english songs in alot of things in composing, lyrics and also the sound of singers. I hear both arabic and english songs but I feel that I love arabic songs more because arabic songe full of great senses and more emotional than english songs and its music can touch heart easily and also the sound of arabic singers are more soft and sensitive. But What I am not agree with you in is that you gave us a very bad example about arabic singers as "nancy agram or Elissa or Ruby or Haifaa " because they aren't arabic singers ,they are arabic dancers. When you want to talk about arabic singers you can give better examples like :" Oum Kalyhoum, Abd El-Halim Hafez, Fayrouz, Sabah, Shadiah, Warda, Laila Mourad, Nagat, Faiza Ahmed, or even Amr Diab, Magda El-Roumy, Saber El-Robaay, Kathem El-Saher, Asalaa, Hani shaker... etc".
i agree with u l lite tamer hosney
Oh gosh, you made a very good point, but why the hell are you talking about this monkey nancy ajraf or whatever is her name? do you think thats what you people need? I could name several better ones, which i love and RESPECT, (not nancy), and im not arab. well, good luck with nancy, people.
i agree with Devoted Lady , not all time arabic songs beautiful than english one.
excuse me. i never hear arabic song.but i want to listen to it.