"should've trusted?" I found a strange sentence that I've never seen yet ; I should've trusted the boss man. It's an abbreviation of "should have". And it is usually used as "Subject + 've", but is it used often ; auxiliary verb + 've", too?
2017年1月19日 11:24
回答 · 5
What we have is "imagined past", which is a past modal + have + past participle. It tells us that the action definitely did not happen in the past. "I should've trusted the boss man" means you didn't trust him, and now you regret it. Yes, auxiliary verbs can take contractions. You already know this with negatives (hasn't, isn't, didn't, won't...) and we can do the same with the past modals: should've, could've, would've, might've. Yes, we definitely use it!!
Yes, _'ve_ stands for _have_ and it is used very often.
The sentence "I should have trusted the boss man " means 내가 대장을 신뢰해야했습니다 in your language. The sentence means you did not trusted him earlier(당신은 이전에 그를 신뢰하지 않았다). And regretting that why you did not trusted him instead of. 감사합니다
I think it was not because she was poor at grammar, but because you weren't attracted to her that much for you not to marry her. Intelligence doesn't seem to be that decisive between males and females in my opinion.^^
You're already ahead of some english speakers who hear it and write it as "should of". It's a fairly common mistake. I used to date someone who used to insist that was correct. And that's why we're not married.