translation help (a phrase from university certificate) what is the formal way to translate the following phrase (from a master degree certificate) to Chinese: The syndicate of the.......university hereby makes known that has been admitted to the degree of master of science, having been certified by duly appointed examiners to be qualified to receive the same in bio chemistry at the examination held in ...and placed in first class distinction with D degree through the department of biochemistry (autonomous) ... University. Given under the seal of the university thank you orna
2017年1月20日 23:53
回答 · 2
The syndicate of the.......university hereby makes known that has been admitted to the degree of master of science, having been certified by duly appointed examiners to be qualified to receive the same in bio chemistry at the examination held in ...and placed in first class distinction with D degree through the department of biochemistry (autonomous) ... University. .....大学联合会特此告知,业已承认,并由任命的有资格的考试官证实,科学硕士学位,等同于在.....举行的生物化学考试,并与.....大学生物化学系博士学位自发地名列前茅。 我的翻译不见得准确,你再看看别人咋说吧。