what does it take to start thinking in the foreign language (spanish) are there certain drills? do I have to move to the country where the language is spoken?
2017年11月23日 15:11
回答 · 4
I didn't start thinking in Spanish until I was DELE B1/B2. I put all my computer settings in Spanish, so Excel, Word, and internet explorers are all Spanish. So is my cell phone. I practice every day through readings, videos, and conversations. One thing that threw me over the top was listening to Spanish radio. I listen to a station in Madrid and just keep my earbuds in while I work. I learn slang, expressions, vocab. The other day I was talking in English and couldn't think of the word Fiancee, only the Spanish form which is Novia. That's when I knew I was thinking without effort from time to time in Spanish. So read, write, listen, talk in Spanish each day and you will get there. Comment - numbers are the hardest to think in Spanish. I work with numbers all day and cant just look at $125,554.34 and think to myself cien veinte cinco etc... Just can't do that. But ordinary thoughts in Spanish are easy now. Well easier, I should say.
Hey! In my case I started to be fluent and speak faster in English due to my Whatsapp conversations with people who I met while I was traveling. I didn't need to move anywhere, but have someone to write or talk with. I hope this answer is helpful. Hola! En mi caso empecé a hablar más rápido en inglés debido a mis conversaciones en Whatsapp con personas que conocí mientras estaba viajando. No necesité mudarme a ningún lugar, pero sí tener a alguien a quien escribir o con quien hablar. Espero esta respuesta sea útil. :) Adiós!!! Byeeeee
Hello, "Language acquisition is the process by which humans acquire the capacity to perceive and comprehend language, as well as to produce and use words and sentences to communicate" Children acquire language naturally whereas adults are forced to break down the language (analysis) in order to understand and learn. You can always learn how to completely understand the target language. Extensive reading and listening comprehension exercises will get you on your way. However, In order to produce the language accurately and fluently, it is essential to either write or speak. Now, when are you going to be thinking in the target language? When you produce the language and get somebody to correct your grammatical errors, you strengthen the patterns that lead to thinking naturally in the target language. I hope it helps!
Practice, practice and more practice. The most you use your target language the faster you'll start "thinking in Spanish". The best thing is you to create your own plan to use the language every single day. I'll give you an example: I'm learning English, so I try to: • Read a newspaper, blog, magazine, etc. • Write something (this answer, for example) • Listen to a TED talk, podcast, etc. • Talk to someone (language exchange. to myself, to my cat [I'm not crazy]), etc.) Everyday ↑ When you least expect it, you'll be thinking in Spanish!