What does "hacken" mean in this context? I was trying to read a book in German and came across the word "hacken" in a context I'm not familiar with. Here is what it says in the book: "Das ist nicht gerade nett, Kris", schimpfte Frau Powell. "Also, ich finde, wenn Lindy eine hat, sollte ich auch eine haben können", hakte Kris nach. I know that usually "hacken" means to grind or chop something, but I don't think that's what it means here. So what does "hakte nach" mean in this situation?
2019年10月5日 21:00
回答 · 6
You are right, it means to dig deeper, to ask further questions. It means to interrupt somebody to ask further questions about a certain point. When you think someone is lying you ask further questions to get the truth out of him. Bei ihrer Schilderung des Tathergangs hakte das Gericht immer wieder nach. In der Sache musst du noch einmal nachhaken (ihr nachgehen, um ihr auf den Grund zu kommen).
Exactly. In this context, Kris insists on something although Fr. Powell criticizes him for that..
Update: I just looked up "nachhaken". Some of the definitions I found included "to ask further questions; to dig deeper; to broach the subject again; to go into it". Is that accurate?
Thank you for pointing that out, DonHolgo. I did not realize there was a difference. So what does "nachhaken" mean?
You're aware that "hacken", "haken" and "nachhaken" are different things?