expeditions making astronomical observations from remote, First question: What does (expeditions making astronomical observations) mean? Second question: is the same to write (expeditions which make astronomical observations from remote) instead of (expeditions making astronomical observations from remote) The Foundation funds expeditions making astronomical observations from remote, difficult-to-access Earth locations, archaeological field projects studying the development of early civilisations that made significant contributions to astronomy and space sciences, and field expeditions studying the way in which views of the astronomical environment shaped the nature of past civilisations. A part of Syria - ‘the Fertile Crescent’ - was the birthplace of astronomy, accountancy, animal domestication and many other fundamental developments of human civilisation. The Foundation helped fund a large archaeology project by the Society for Syrian Archaeology at the University of California, Los Angeles, in collaboration with the Syrian government that used GPS and satellite imagery to locate mounds, or ’tels’, containing artefacts and remnants of early civilisations. These collections are being used to build a better picture of the nature of the civilisations that gave birth to astronomy.
2019年11月4日 06:52
回答 · 3
First question: What does (expeditions making astronomical observations) mean? 'Expeditions making astronomical observations' are field trips where people make measurements or observations of planets/moon/stars/etc with their scientific instruments. If I look at the moon through a telescope, I am making an astronomical observation, for instance. Going on an expedition to do something like this implies you are going to a somewhat remote site where the effects of people (lights, air pollution) are less and you can observe the night sky better. Second question: is the same to write (expeditions which make astronomical observations from remote) instead of (expeditions making astronomical observations from remote) Yes, but you should use 'that' instead of 'which'. The original form using 'making' is more concise and sounds better for this level of written English. At high-school level, I would consider the 2 forms roughly equivalent. At university level or if you were writing for a journal, I would expect the 'making' form.