What is the difference between 帮助 and 帮忙? Can you give example of sentence that can use 帮助 but not 帮忙? and another example that can use 帮忙 but not 帮助? .... thanks :o)Thanks to Perl, learnenglish, hebe, Eudora, Benjamin, bobhoo, echo and Jiaobao for your excellent contributions. Here is my attempt to sumarize: All three (帮, 帮助 and 帮忙) can be used as verbs to mean help, assist or do a favor. Only 帮助 and 帮忙 can be used as nouns, 帮 can not. As a verb 帮助 and 帮 can take an object, 帮忙 can not. 帮助 is preferred in written Chinese. 帮忙 and 帮 are more commonly used in spoken Chinese. And 帮 is most perfered, perhaps due to syntactic simplicty. Some people think there is a differnce in meaning: 帮助 means to assist 帮忙 means to do a favor But some other people disagree with this. 帮忙 has unsual syntax. For example, (hopefully I am translating these correctly.) 帮个忙,好吗? - How about helping me out? 我帮不上你的忙。 - I can't help you with that. 他帮我一个忙。 - He gave me some help. 你真是帮了我一个大忙! - You were certainly a big help. Is there a name for this type of verbal complement? I know that many verbal complements will take some words in the middle (For example: 来得及, 看不见,睡得觉,etc) but I don't know of any that follow a pattern similar to 帮忙。 From my perspective, as a teacher, I think students should focus on learning 帮. It is possible to express the full range of meaning without using 帮助 or 帮忙. However, since 帮忙 is common in spoken Chinese it is important for the elementary student to become familiar with it. Nice examples of equivelency: 谢谢你的帮助 -- 谢谢你帮忙 (Thanks for your help) 你能帮我吗 -- 你能帮助我吗 (Can you help me?) 我可以帮忙做这件事。 -- 我可以帮助你做这件事。 (I can help you do that.) 我需要你的帮助 -- 我需要你帮忙 (I need your help) Nice example of differences: 我可以帮助你 or 我可以帮你...but nobody says 我可以帮忙你 If anyone has any comment or correction to this summary, please let me know. thanks!
2010年5月30日 06:02
回答 · 8
"助"is a verb. with the same meaning of "帮",but it commonly used alone in phrase just like"助人为乐"、"助一臂之力" "帮" + "助" can be used as a verb. or noun. when it used as a verb, it's the same meaning with "帮".你能帮我吗=你能帮助我吗 when it used as a noun,we can say"我需要你的帮助"/"谢谢你的帮助"=i need your help/thanks for your help. 帮忙=do sb a favor. usually,we say"我需要你帮忙"/"谢谢你帮忙"
帮助assist help 帮忙help do a favor i think for verb,we use 帮and 帮助. for noun we use 帮忙 i can help you我可以帮助你or 我可以帮你...but nobody say 我可以帮忙你, can you do me a favor你能帮(我一个)忙吗,
all in all, 帮助 means one person helps another person, focous on the first person who is offering help, for example: conld you 帮助 me to learn english? but 帮忙 means one person helps another person, but they do the things together. for example: could you 帮忙 me to move away this heavy desk? I really couldn't move it by myself.
“帮助”可以做名词,也可以做动词。例如: 谢谢你的帮助!(“帮助”是名词) 我很喜欢帮助别人。(“帮助”是动词) “帮忙”一般做名词。例如: 谢谢你的帮忙!(“帮忙”是名词) 另外,“帮忙”可以分开来说“帮……忙”。例如: 你真是帮了我一个大忙!
两者都有help的意思 帮助: means:to help ; to assist ; to aid ; to support ; to boost ; to back up ; to bear a hand ; to minister to ; to take an oar ; to do somebody a service   help ; ministration ; charity ; a boost ; assistance in chinese means:以出钱、出力或出主意的方式相助别人,替人出力、出主意或给以物质上、精神上的支援。 帮忙 help; to give a helping hand; to do a favor; to do a good turn; to lend a hand; to oblige 2.assistance; offices in chinese means:帮助别人做事或解决困难 ex:我可以帮忙做这件事。 我可以帮助你做这件事。 Both of them can used as a verb,and 帮忙can used as a none. But, in general,帮忙in oral chinese can`t add sb(somebody).