Would you please make some comments or give some suggestions on the lyrics I rewrote for our team?? 三下乡的旅途 The journey of three 我们手牵着手(一起)走过泥泞 (注:括号里的不知道要不要保留~~) We’ve gone through the muddiness hand in hand 我们肩并着肩(一起)跨过崎岖 We’ve gone through the ruggedness side by side 我握紧双手 从不轻易言弃 I hold my hands tight, never gonna give up 我不在乎下乡的路有多艰辛 I don’t care how hard the journey is 生命教会我们该如何坚持 Life teaches us how to stick it out 我拿起画笔 描绘那精彩动人的故事 I take up the pencil to depict the beautiful story 这是充满惊奇冒险的路 This is an adventure full of wonders 即使磕磕绊绊 都不在乎 I don’t care how tough it is 三下乡是一段找寻梦的漫漫旅途 Sanxiaxiang is a long long journey to chase our dreams 三下乡是一种甜甜的苦 Sanxiaxiang is a favor of bitter-sweet. 只要坚持就能看到幸福 Only perseverance guarantees happiness 只要相信就能收获一份回忆 Only belief ensures touching memories 等到黎明升起那一刻,所有努力都值得 When the sun rises, all the efforts are so rewarding 让你和我仰起头微笑 as to make us smile 会心地微笑。 Smile meaningfully Repeat*
2010年6月19日 10:22
回答 · 1
very intresting...go on