how can i find a language learn partner as quickly as possible? i regist on this website right now, and i want to find a partner to practise my oral english. but how can i find the one in the shortest possible time?
2011年4月7日 14:16
回答 · 7
Take inspiration and examples from advertisement pseudo-technology; maybe you will shorten the time, but will you still get a good and intelligent teacher ?
1. Find Language Partners - Click on 'Language Partners' to find a native speaker to practice oral communication or just to learn about other cultures. 找语言伙伴 - 到语言伙伴中去寻找,要主动一点。可以从简单的对话开始交流。 2. Find a Language Teacher - You can find a professional teacher when you click on 'Language Teachers' to formally instruct you. Or you can hire a tutor to help you with your homework or materials. 如果你的经济上允许,你也可以找一名专业的教师来帮助你。italki上有不少的英语教师资质都是不错的。并且价格也相对一些培训机构的便宜很多。 Good luck !!! 祝你好运!!!
you can find , Language Partners/Speakers:-