01. 形影不离Follow like a shadow——《七月与安生Soulmate》
01. 形影不离Follow like a shadow——《七月与安生Soulmate》
2022년 8월 8일
大家晚上好啊,我是丹霞。您现在收听的是中文台词频道,今天的台词出自电影《七月与安生》,由周冬雨和马思纯主演。 “十三岁到十五岁,是七月和安生形影不离的三年。 有时候七月是安生的影子,有时候安生是七月的影子。她们在书里读到:如果踩住一个人的影子,那个人一辈子不会离开。但是安生说一辈子太长了,她只想活到二十七岁。 初中毕业,七月考上了最好的高中,安生进了职业学校。用安生的话说,熬了九年终于考进了一所 不需要交作文、没有操行评分的学校,正和她的胃口。” ——电影《七月与安生》/<Soulmate> 形影不离Xíng yǐng bù lí always together; be after each other like shadows 影子 yǐngzi shadow 踩住 cǎi zhù keep the feet upon; step on 一辈子 yībèizi all one's life; throughout one's life 职业学校 zhíyè xuéxiào vocational school 熬 áo to endure 操行 cāoxíng behavior or conduct of a student 评分 píng fēn grade; score 合胃口 hé wèi kǒu be to one's taste "From 13 to 15 years old, Qiyue and Ansheng have been always together for three years. Sometimes Qiyue is the shadow of Ansheng, and sometimes Ansheng is the shadow of Qiyue. They read in the book: if you keep stepping on a someone's shadow, that person will never leave. But Ansheng said that a whole lifetime is too long, and she only wants to live up to 27. After graduating from junior high school, Qiyue was admitted to the best high school, and Ansheng entered a vocational school. In Ansheng's words, after nine years hard life, she finally got into a school that doesn't need to hand in a composition and doesn't have a code of conduct. It was just to her taste. "
팟캐스트 채널
Chinese Lines 中文台词