2023년 1월 30일
㊗️🐰🧧🎇🧨I returned from Canada, so it's been a while. Today we are going to take a look at which traditional Chinese Lunar New Year custom is hated by everyone! At the end, I'll also share the experience and story of a foreign friend who visited Taiwan for Chinese New Year! ㊗️🐰🧧🎇🧨I好久不見,我從加拿大過年回來了。今天我們要來看看有哪一個傳統的中國過年習俗,是被大家討厭的!我也會在最後分享一個外國友人來台過年的經驗和故事! ㊗️🐰🧧🎇🧨I好久不见,我从加拿大过年回来了。今天我们要来看看有哪一个传统的中国过年习俗,是被大家讨厌的!我也会在最后分享一个外国友人来台过年的经验和故事!
팟캐스트 채널
News with zhe