I wonder if the following two sentences have the same meaning. The apple is twice bigger than that one. The apple is twice as big as that one. Thank you.
2024년 5월 8일 오전 1:54
답변 · 4
The first is incorrect. This apple is two times bigger than that one.(ok) This apple is twice as big as that one. (Better)
2024년 5월 8일 오전 2:41
Both are correct! For stylistic reasons, "twice bigger" does not sound very good to us. You can say it - I wouldn't say it sounds bad - it just doesn't sound good. I cannot explain why, but the reason is not grammar. The grammatical structures of "twice bigger" and "much bigger" are identical but for some unknown reason, the second sounds good to a native speaker but the first sounds less good. For the same reason, "more bigger" sounds VERY bad to a native speaker (preferring just "bigger") even though it too is grammatically correct. Another acceptable choice is "bigger by twice": "This apple is bigger by twice than that one" This sort of issue makes the learning of any language difficult. It is always nicer when you can rely on rules to tell you what to do. But sometimes you just have to accept that it is customary to say certain things in certain ways.
2024년 5월 8일 오후 1:34
Thank you for helping me.
2024년 5월 8일 오전 5:34
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