#237 Could you help me correct this text? Suzume no Tojimari I recently watched the animation movie called “Suzume no Tojimari” by Sinkai Makoto, which is now showing. It was so good. It’s kind of a beautiful road movie and it described our unforgettable 3.11 memories of the great earthquake 11 years ago. I felt great that he never let us down in spite of the delicate topic.
2022년 11월 30일 오후 4:33
교정 · 2
#237 Could you help me correct this text? Suzume no Tojimari I recently watched the animation/animated movie called “Suzume no Tojimari” by Sinkai Makoto, which is now showing. It was so good. It’s kind of a beautiful road movie and it described our unforgettable 3.11 memories of the great earthquake 11 years ago. I felt great that he never let us down in spite of the delicate topic.
Excellent! But what do you mean by "3.11 memories"?
2022년 12월 1일
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