Hi, I’m Vini! I am from Brazil. I am looking for a native speaker for learn English!
2021년 11월 7일 오전 1:02
댓글 · 3
Hello Vini!😊 I am a native speaker of English Language and I can help you get better at speaking English fluently. Other students I have taught began to speak English language with a British and American accent within a short time. I have trial classes you can also book. So feel free to click on my profile and send me a message. 😊😄
2021년 11월 7일
Hello Vini! I would love to partake in improving your English skills! Whether this be improving your English conversational skills or improving your English vocabulary! Please feel free to contact me and book a lesson so we can get started on improving your English skills, step by step we will see an improvement in your English and I can promise you that.
2021년 11월 7일
Hi Vini My name is Letago but you can call me Lee. I am a native English speaker from South African. My rates are low and my instant lessons are on. I would be happy to practice English with you. Book a lesson now and we can start right away. 🌸
2021년 11월 7일