Anto Ci
To stay fit, can be done walking in the park, or go to work by bike, that at the same time is eco-friendly. Playing with your children, from my experience playing with my nephew football, is one of the thing to keep fit and at the same time to work out, running, practicing with the kick. There are many things that you can do, the only thing that you have to find is the will. The last day, I was listening a video on YouTube , where the interviewer asked to one person why you keep fit going to gym and how you took this decision? The answer surprised me. I go to gym for need. You decide to do something, everyone will do this because you need, the same thing happens with English, you learn English with you need, for study or to travel. This answer make me interested because I thought that in most case this is true. I buy the bread because I need, I have to eat
2021년 10월 3일 오전 10:07
교정 · 1
To stay fit, can be done by walking in the park, or going to work by bike, at the same time it is eco-friendly. Playing with your children, from my experience playing football with my nephew, is one of the things to keep fit and at the same time to work out, running, practicing with the kick. There are many things that you can do, the only thing that you have to find is the will. The last day, I was listening to a video on YouTube , where the interviewer asked one person why you keep fit by going to gym and how you took this decision? The answer surprised me. I go to the gym for my need. You decide to do something, everyone will do this because you need, the same thing happens with English, you learn English for your need, for studying or to travelling. This answer made me interested, because I thought that in most cases this is true. I buy bread because I need it, I have to eat.
2021년 10월 3일
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