Carlos Tapia
Scarcely a week goes by without the findings of health research appearing in the media. It is the bodily health, not only physical but corporal also, the reason for this essay. So, should children be forced to practise active activities? A lot might be said about the matter, owing to there are those who state that doing sports activities should be a personal election instead those who think the opposite. Irrespective of how long the issue has been to debate, there are still firmly opposed stances in both sides. The more it was discussed, the less certain a possible agreement seemed. Having into account a number of recent surveys, an enormous percentage of the students who were interviewed, disagree with the idea of being forced to do exercises at school. We might state that the more younger are the surveyed children more disagree on being forced to do exercise they are. But another question arises and answer it we must: What do parents think about it? Are they willing with this idea? Well, there is an unclear winner answer. While parents whose children are still studying in schools prefer the initiative of doing sports activities at least 3 times per week, those whose children are bit older are bounded to think it is not necessary to force anyone to do it. Maybe university pupils are found their own hobbies where sports are included yet. Being teachers an important collective to be heard, we could assume they are for the statement. How many times have we heard their concerns about children obesity? Something is necessary to be done. Schools and Universities are the right places where sports activities can be set up. Finally and summing up all the above, politicians should be obstinate taking care for our young people.
2020년 10월 4일 오후 5:57