My dreams and fears belonge to my priorities If any one want yo join with me massage me I am waiting thoae one We can fly, enjoy, share our emotions
2021년 1월 17일 오후 6:20
교정 · 2
My dreams and fears belong to my priorities. If any one wants to join me, I am waiting. We can fly, enjoy, and share our emotions.
2021년 1월 17일
My dreams and fears belonge to my priorities If any one want yo join with me massage me I am waiting thoae one We can fly, enjoy, share our emotions
I am not clear about the meaning of your first sentence, but I find it very interesting. A priority is something that must be done. It is a priority because it is #1 on your list of things to do. It is the most IMPORTANT to you--that makes it your priority. So are you saying that your dreams and fears are the number one things you think about? I guess I see what you mean. I have never heard anyone say it that way before. It is like a poem.
2021년 5월 20일
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