Next week I will spend it with my family, I will have finished reading book. I will have read 6 English article news. What is more I will have learnt more English. Even the pandemic I and my children are going to outside. I will study with my children and so on and so forth.
2021년 1월 27일 오후 8:18
교정 · 2
I will spend next weekend with my family and have finished reading a book. I will also have read 6 English news articles. What’s more is that I will have learned more English. Even during the the pandemic my children and I are going to go outside. I will study with my children and so on and so forth.
I combined the first two sentences to make them feel more natural. The phrase “what’s more...” I always say it and have heard it with the contraction.
2021년 1월 29일
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