Hi! I am currently prepare to my exhibit and need a little help. Could you check the text about my creativity process? Thanks in advance. Idea. Everything starts from a little thing. The main idea of my creativity is exploring the world around me to discover something new every time. For me, my perception of the world is a diamond that has a million facets that I can rotate at different angles in search of a new fresh moment, forms, lines, colors and the light breaks down. Preparation. The idea can stem from when I walk around the city or something I've seen online. I document these ideas as soon as possible. Sketching them down as quickly as possible, taking a photograph, writing a note on my phone. Search. This is where fragments of ideas turn into a solid direction. I might have 3-5 snapshots of references. My new artwork can be a one hour experiment or a mindful series of works. Usually I work on a 9”x12” drawing paper. Currently I’m working on large formats of paper. Now I have some inspiration. Sketching with a pencil some small images of the further artwork to look for nice composition, rhythm and mood that I want to express in this work. After that, I move to my favorite part of work, it’s an experiment with form, line and color. I create a final simple sketch to set a composition and color palette of the piece. Release. Once I have my direction, my creative energy spills out. I bring my best watercolor paper, pencil, ink and watercolor paint and express all my emotions and impressions from this landscape. I draw all outlines with black ink, it’s the main framework of my piece. Then, with watercolor and my own visual language I create the moment of the life city. The watercolor paint is pretty flexible to control my creative process during work. The last step is clarification and adding the main emphasis with watercolor pencils or markers.
2021년 5월 21일 오후 4:20