How do my pronunciations sound?

I made a video on YouTube, my friends said I did good. However I would like to get feedback from a stranger, because I know it may be hard for friends to tell you if your doing something wrong.




Any recommendations for improvement?

Can you understand what I'm saying without reading the subtitle?



Any feedback from anyone who knows Korean is appreciated. 


2015년 8월 28일 오후 1:40
댓글 · 5

@ HyeJeong, thanks for the input. I want to have the Korean tone, but I need to practice more, haha.


@ Jung Min, I will try speaking in more structures other than those.

2015년 9월 8일

I could understand almost everything so that's a good thing! :)

But you really need to get rid of your English accent when speaking Korean. For example, you pronounced 숙제 as sook-jay, ㅜ is not the english oo-sound, ㅔ is not the english ay-sound. And also the 요, try to pronounce it without the slight w-sound, you say it like in english "yo" and that doesn't sound natural.

Anyway good luck!

2015년 9월 6일

Hi hh I've just watched your video and for me it's understood almost more than 90% without subtitle.

other people will think so as well.

when you say 근육을 키우고 싶어요, 키우고 sounds little confusing but it's nice.

and I think 그리고 자전거 탔어요 is much more natural than 그래 자전거 탔어요.

2015년 8월 28일



I was able to understand almost every sentence you mentioned without the subtitles.

Personally I do not care much how foriengers pronounce korean. But you care the pronunciation, let me give you some feedback.


Everything was alright, but some particuar words such as '근육' and '숙제', you should speak these words out more clearly. At first time I thought you said '금요일' instead of '근육'.


Also, if you learn korean more, you can make much more diverse sentences. So, I do not say this, but you should try to use more various strucutres. In that video, you just used '~있어요, ~했어요, ~입니다' structure. But, you do not have to worry these so much, cuz I am sure that you can make it after learning more. :)


Anyway, the video was really great.

2015년 9월 7일

@Joo Hyung, Thanks for the feedback. Is there a better way to say 키우고 싶어요?


2015년 8월 30일