Please tell me your opinion.

If you can realize only one wish, what will you wish?



What is ''happiness'' to you?


2015년 9월 5일 오후 12:10
댓글 · 10

I wish my death could be brain death...

If it realized,I could help  people who suffer from diseases by donating organs.

Is this a strange thinking??

2015년 9월 9일

World peace would be great! I still hope that one day there will be no wars at all!

And I think happiness can be found everywhere. Depends on how you see it. Happiness can even be a small kitty or a flower. I think it's important to have a positive attitude towards life and to be grateful for everything you have. This way you'll learn to be happy! ^ω^

2015년 9월 6일

People usually wish to be someone who are not or to have something which they have not. but it is love and to live in peace the real happiness 

2015년 9월 6일

I wish that all people become better off and kindly and also world without wars and without violence.
And it is will be my happiness.

2015년 9월 6일

Hi Lyon,


for me happiness is to love and to be loved ^_^





2015년 9월 5일
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