Italian Vloggers



I've just started to immerse myself in the Italian language. 


I usually like to start my listening practices with youtube. 


Any good Italian vloggers you guys could suggest?? I like food, dining, travel,leisure and just daily life routines so I'd appreciate it if you could fill me in with some Italian vloggers that fit the list.


Ciao Ciao

2015년 11월 7일 오후 10:44
댓글 · 3

こんにちは!I'm not so well informed, because I don't spend much time watching italian vloggers, but if you want to discover something about Italy you can try those channels:



Hope those hints will be useful! :)

2015년 11월 18일


I can help you in italian!

I want to improve my english

Let me know


bye bye

2015년 11월 23일

おはよう! 私 は イタリア人 です. 日本語 の 学生 です.

If you want to learn italian, maybe we can talk! I'd like to improve my japanese and make new friends. 


Cioa ;) 

2015년 11월 22일