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Learning Article : Useful Resources To Learn French Effectively

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<a href='/article/589/using-movies-songs-articles-and-news-programs-to-learn-french' target='_blank'>Useful Resources To Learn French Effectively</a>

I have realised that many students concentrate too much on grammar and spelling and do not use the media enough when studying a language. In this article, I explain how to use songs, newspaper articles, movies and TV news when learning French.

2015년 11월 17일 오전 12:00
댓글 · 3

merçi pour cette article, encore mieux je pense c'est d'habiter en France et de travailler avec les français...

2016년 1월 20일

I needed most of these things to do, methods to do them and especially to hear benefits of doing them! Merci beaucoup! Vous m'a tellement aidé !

2015년 11월 23일
Very helpful and informative. Merci pour les ressources.
2017년 6월 10일