Helen Tian
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Learning Article : 10 Commonly Used Phrases In Chinese Daily Life

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<a href='/article/605/10-commonly-used-sentences-in-chinese-daily-life' target='_blank'>10 Commonly Used Phrases In Chinese Daily Life</a>

Studying Chinese? Have a look at this article to learn ten phrases that are used in everyday situations in China. For each one, you will find explanations of vocabulary, grammar, and their proper use.

2015년 12월 3일 오전 12:00
댓글 · 11

Hi Samar! The "le" and "ne" both have different usage in different situations. It depand on what kind of meaning you want to express. In the article, I just list the usage for sentences there. For example, "le" can be used to make a question sound more friendly, so you can add it after any question, but you don't have to. Also it can be used after a noun or pronoun, which means what about ...? Like in the typical conversation: --Nǐ hǎo ma? --Wǒ hěn hǎo, nǐ ne? In this situation, you have to use it. 

If you want to know more about these two particles, you need to check a grammar book. For "le", I have found the webpage which explains it very clear:http://resources.allsetlearning.com/chinese/grammar/Uses_of_%22le%22 ;


2015년 12월 9일
Thank you so much! This is really useful. 
2015년 12월 6일
Wow... Thank you. The phrases are really useful and the grammar explanations make them even better. Thanks for using the pinyin as well. 
2016년 5월 31일
I knew most of these already, but it was a really good review piece that helped me. Thanks!
2016년 2월 18일

Hi, Olya! If you say 我请你吃饭 to somebody, it means you will definitely pay.

You are right. If you mean just everyone pays for themselves or you share the fee together, you can say “我们去吃饭吧,行吗?” 



2016년 1월 10일
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