im a native spanih speaker i want to practice english is better choose a teacher who speaks spanish or not?

Hi im looking for suggestions, pros and cons about learning a second languaje with a teacher who knows your native languaje.


I think that if my teacher does not understand my native im forced to express myself in the second languaje but at the same time in i need to receive and instruction maybe on the second languaje a will lost it.


So italkers, what do you think?

2016년 1월 6일 오후 8:57
댓글 · 1
Looking at your fairly good English level, I'd say you could most likely get away with a teacher who doesn't speak your native language.
Alternatively, you could look for a teacher who knows your native language, and also has expertise in getting students to speak English most of the time. Another option would be to use several different teachers.
2016년 1월 6일