seeking a native english speaker to help me with my English

I am a Hungarian who really want to practice English. I  had no luck to find someone. I am not looking for a guy I just want practice English. So if you can help   write me.

2016년 1월 13일 오전 11:45
댓글 · 2

You should chose the right person who can help you ! especially the native english!

I'm seeking the same thing, i want to practice my english to enhance my skill!

I'm willing to have a fluent english!

good luck ;p 

2016년 1월 13일

Do you mean you don't want to practise with guys, or do you mean you <em>just</em> want to practise (so please no creeps)?


Afraid I can't help you, I'm not learning Hungarian. I was just curious.

2016년 1월 13일