Ahmad Adlouni
Learning Farsi (Persian)

Hello Italki community! 

I would like to know if anyone of you have had any experience learning Persian (farsi) ?

I am a native arabic speaker or some sort of because I'm raised in an arabic home in Denmark, but I still speak arabic fluently. 

Persian has been really hard to learn. The grammar is quite easy but I simply can't get myself to learn new words. 

It's not like when I was learning Spanish, where the words were easy to remember?

Any experiences? Do you know anything that could help me? :)

2016년 2월 1일 오후 8:06
댓글 · 1

I find this surprising since Arabic loanwords constitute some 40% of the Persian lexicon in current use, and you must be already familiar with the "shape" of the words if you can read Arabic. The "Persian" words will become a lot easier to remember if you learn some basics of their morphology.

2016년 3월 4일
Ahmad Adlouni
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