Oky Ikhramullah
Practicing English
How can I find out a partner in this App?
I learn english language everyday,
but I dont have a friend for practicing my English[emoji]
2018년 4월 18일 오후 1:59
댓글 · 5
Hi Oky, just add me as a friend and we can start talking. Speak Soon!
2018년 4월 18일
its ok... just add me friend
2018년 4월 18일
Schedule a class and let's start talking :)
2018년 4월 18일
Anybody how wants to speak can add me as a freind here on italki or over skype my ID:  minenkoandrey1982.
2018년 4월 18일
I'm sorry,
My problem is money,
I dont have money enough for paying a teacher here

I want,
But I can not 
2018년 4월 18일