What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word BRAZIL?

Lemme know what my country in famous for!^^
2018년 4월 19일 오전 12:06
댓글 · 51
I know I might be downvoted but I have to say it is good-shaped girls....The second is Catholicism....
2018년 4월 19일

You said the WORD Brazil, not the COUNTRY Brazil.

Well, the first thing that came into my head when you said the word Brazil was Brazil nuts.

Brazil nuts are probably not even from Brazil. I don't even know why we call them that in English.

2018년 11월 1일
2018년 10월 31일


Amazon forest and beautiful nature.

Dancing and beautiful women.

2018년 10월 31일
Capybara and jabuticaba)) When I was a kid I read this fantastic book by Monteiro Lobato about Narizinho's adventures in the Sítio do Picapau Amarelo and it became one of my favourite children books. I hadn't even known what capybara and jabuticaba were and for some time wasn't sure they were real and not just made up)) Still hope to visit the country one day and see them with my own eyes.
2018년 4월 20일
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