Have you met a wonderful person on italki?

Yes, I have!

Have you had funny laughing experiences on italki?
Yes, I have.

Let's look at the bright side.

Please tell me your fun story on italki.

2018년 4월 26일 오전 2:25
댓글 · 21

A Chinese person sent me a message via italki just 10 minutes ago and he said he likes a Japanese song. He looks young in his profile, maybe in his 20's but the song was a famous 30 years ago. He said the lyrics are beautiful. I found a Chinese lady singer sings it in Chinese on YouTube. It was very beautiful. Wow. I didn't know that such an old Japanese song has been revived  in a Foreign country. I'm 55 years old, so this song reminds me of my youth when I was a student. The young Chinese man made my day! Thank you! 

The song is 夕陽乃歌 in Chinese and 夕焼けの歌 in Japanese.


2018년 4월 26일

I posted this entry in the notebook section first accidentally. And someone corrected my mistake! It didn't take one minute to get it. Such a wonderful person! Thank you, Mike.

I had been in the notebook section for two years with my old account which has gone now. I wrote notebooks everyday. A wonderful person corrected mine everyday. I corrected his notebook as well and we became friends. We found we had same hobbies when we talked via skype. We are good friends still now. 

Have you made friends? 

2018년 4월 26일
I hope I can meet nice members to exchange languages.
2018년 4월 26일
Yes, I have met great people (including you), some I really look up to.

I can't really think of anything particularly funny, but once I was on Skype and I don't know why we started talking about Happy Potter. I was asked if I liked it, and then I opened my hoodie as I was actually wearing a HP t-shirt.

It became a little weird when, asked if I was a Griffyndor, I said I was a Slytherin and evil. As he didn't believe me, I had to cast an avada kedavra spell... and he died!

2018년 4월 26일
I had no idea this song was originally a Japanese song. I guess back in old times, a lot of Cantonese songs were copied and re-written from Japanese versions. There was another song called 千千阙歌 using the same music of kando masahiko. The Cantonese lyrics of 千千阙歌 were more popular somehow in my memory. From your recommendation,  I just listened to the  original Japanese song. It was a very nice song. Very touching music. Thanks.
2018년 4월 26일
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