Just another Carlos
INFP's on Youtube.

     My first impression was like "No way! There aren't INFP's on Youtube". I was wrong, of course. But the point is that INFP's are naive mostly. Hehehe. So my first impression was wrong because just a few days after typing "INFP's on youtube" I got a lot of videos related to. Poor of me! Hahah Anyway. I just wanted to  tell so I can practice my writting skills at leats everyday.


2018년 5월 1일 오후 3:26
댓글 · 7

Ah! Got it! Thanks Carlos. 

By the way, I don't know why, but there are two "y"s in "psychology". :)

2018년 5월 1일
Something with introvert?
2018년 5월 1일
I could probably look up INFP and find out what it means, but since you want to practice your writing skills... Please explain Carlos!
2018년 5월 1일
introversion, intuition, feeling, perception. So in psichology they say there are 16 personalities and they divide them using letterS: I= INTROVERSION AND INTUITION, F=FEELING, and P= PERCEPTION
2018년 5월 1일
Not a clue Carlos. Please explain!
2018년 5월 1일
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