커뮤니티 튜터
What place would you visit first when you come to Colombia? Colombia has fantastic places, like deserts and beautiful beaches, I would like to know what place would you like to know about Colombia? :)
2018년 5월 6일 오후 1:31
댓글 · 21
@SHL yes for someone person he was good person because he helped people from this "Region" of Antioquia but other person is the other oposite some years I went from there and in this time I can see the luxuries that I has in his "state" spanish name is La hacienda Napoles that is the place that he live but now this place don't stay It was demolish, there are books from he and documentaries. But I think  that was bad even thought he helped some people. From this reason some countries It does not have good concept of the country. I think that Colombia is not only "drug trafficking" is more than this.  

2018년 5월 6일
I've heard that at Christmastime, the Christmas lights in Medellin are spectacular.
2018년 5월 6일
@David ¿Qué sitios de Colombia te gustan visitar? a mi por ejemplo me gusto mucho el eje cafetero y el Amazonas la calidad de las personas es increíble y son sitios perfectos para desconectarse.  
2018년 5월 6일
A mi me gusta Cali.  Es el lugar favorito del país!
2018년 5월 6일
South American people are indeed nice folks SHL. Maybe you found your way into the Spanish board for a reason... It´s a cool language to study! :)
2018년 5월 6일
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