커뮤니티 튜터
Looking for a language partner (Mandarin and/or French)

Good day, italki community! Is there anyone on here who would like to practise conversational Mandarin and/or French with me, in exchange for conversational English sessions? 这里有没有人愿意和我一起练习会话式普通话,以换取英语会话?Y a-t-il quelqu'un ici qui voudrait pratiquer le français conversationnel avec moi, en échange de sessions d'anglais conversationnelles?

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2018년 5월 29일 오전 11:50
댓글 · 10



2018년 5월 29일
Hello! I come from China and I want to become your partner. If you want, we can also use email
2018년 11월 8일
Hi everyone. Thank you to you all for leaving your comments here, and sorry I'm just replying now. Whilst I appreciate your kind offers, I've already buddied up with a language partner. Hope to see you on the community posts soon and keep practising the language you're learning. 
2018년 6월 4일
it's me, a partner . add my WeChat ID: you199788
2018년 6월 4일
Hi! I'm from Taiwan and I'm looking for language exchange partner. Plz text me in italki[emoji]
2018년 6월 1일
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