Going to the cinema alone

Do you think going to the cinema alone is a weird thing?

Have you ever gone to the cinema alone?

2018년 5월 31일 오후 2:22
댓글 · 6
Paul Reubens {Pee Wee Herman} went to the movies alone once. That didn't turn out so well for him.
2018년 5월 31일
Yes, I have. I prefer watching alone. Watching movies is the same as reading books. I enjoy it alone. 
2018년 5월 31일
Going to the cinema by myself is one of my favorite things to do. It's like an Escape from reality. And if i can find an empty theater, then it's even better. 
2018년 5월 31일
I used to it when I was working abroad. It's one of the best things to treat for yourself sometime. 
2018년 5월 31일
If it  gonna be special picture. U know.. Then u want to concentrate on details,  and your giggling friends,  full of misunderstandig about Malic's masterpiece,  is last thing that u want. 
2018년 5월 31일
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