Irene Montañés
What is the FIRST THING you think when you get up in the morning?

I should say that the first thing that I think is to continue sleeping ! But ignoring this, I usually think what I am going to wear when I have breakfast.

What about you?

2018년 6월 2일 오후 6:23
댓글 · 13

First: No

Second: I need water

Third: Im late again 

My daily routine :D

2018년 6월 2일
Why me? God! Why me? 
2018년 6월 3일
I think... i am going to count to 100 then.... wake up definitively!
2018년 6월 2일
I think "oh God, I wanna sleep more"
2018년 6월 2일
i think about what i've got to do.
2018년 6월 2일
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