Привет! я русский, ищу русского языкового партнера для прокачки словарного запаса. Хочу осилить oxford3000, но как всегда не хватает мотивации, заниматься самостоятельно :)
2019년 3월 25일 오후 10:57
댓글 · 3

I'm not gonna catch every word. It's not needed, IMHO.

There aren't direct Russian-English mapping so it's hard to understand English words.

I study them in context only. And practice, practice, practice.

My goals: 

1) Understand as much as possible

2) Be able to explain as many cases as possible, maybe with simple Grammar and low vocabulary.

2019년 3월 26일
oxford3000 это 3000 наиболее употребимых слов. сейчас я стараюсь учить 3-5 слов в день.
2019년 3월 26일
hey )You want to cover the whole dictionary or what?
2019년 3월 26일