zahra nosrati
drawing style

Hi every one !

what's your favorite drawing style ?

2019년 4월 13일 오전 11:17
댓글 · 4

I’m really into modern Arabic calligraphy/typography. It goes back to the geometric origins of Arabic calligraphy and takes it in a different direction.

This is one of my favourite pieces: <a href="" style="-webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent;"></a>;

2019년 4월 13일
I like to draw manga and cartoon style!
2019년 4월 13일
I like to paint like Chinese ink painting, even though I use different colours.
2019년 4월 13일
When I was young, I made quite lovely drawings, but, unfortunately, I haven't already devoted my time to this exciting activity.
2019년 4월 13일