Tony Woks Emelieu
커뮤니티 튜터
How can I learn Mandarin? Hello! I would like to know what resources I can use, to learn Mandarin effectively and quickly because I have little time.
2019년 4월 23일 오전 10:36
댓글 · 5
It depends on which part of mandarin you want to improve,like writing,speaking,reading.
and you can try to find some youtubers,it may help 
and of course you can talk to me to practice mandarin if you are interested.
2019년 4월 23일

If there is one thing I learnt whilst learning Mandarin, it is you learn to be very patient about the learning process.

2019년 4월 26일

You could try this website, here are USD20 for you to have trial class and you don't need to pay additional money.

<a href=""></a>;

2019년 4월 26일
And this is my Skype account :12333333zzzz
2019년 4월 23일
     this is better
2019년 4월 23일