Dmitry Khvan
Do you need a friend? Hi. I'm looking for friends. It doesn't metter where are you from. It will be great, if we be able to texting on whatsapp, or things like that.
2019년 4월 29일 오후 10:44
댓글 · 6
Hi Dimetry , my Name is Karim Ali . I'm Egyptian.
If you want to connect with me , you're more than welcome. Feel free to talk
Whatsapp 00201003381465
2019년 4월 30일

HI, i'm from Brazil and if you want call me at instagram, i would like to improve my english. my cellphone is broken so i can't use whatsapp   :(

<a href=""></a>;

2019년 4월 29일
Hi Dmitry, I'm able to practice english, if you want!
2019년 5월 1일

hi there . I am Kadir .I am from Turkey but it does'nt matter . I have been looking  so long time  for language friends .İf you want to text with me my whatsapp is : +90 05453967292

if there anybody else . can  reach me for  practise

2019년 4월 30일
Everyone needs friends, Dmitry ah!
2019년 4월 30일
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