Enzo Rosito Machado
The meanings of the word one

Hey Guys! 

I study english a long time and i know that the word one in english have a lot of meanings and i gonna show some examples: 

Talking about someone that you love

She is the only one 

Making Picks/Choices 

Do you like these pants? 

I like this one and 

Talking about nubers or quantities

I have one dog 

So.. lets talk about this topic and if i made writting mistakes please correct me ok? 


2019년 5월 17일 오후 2:23
댓글 · 2

It is also used for the "second person" point of view when speaking. For example,

One must be diligent in thier studies.

2019년 5월 17일
Hello Enzo. corrections cannot be done in the Discussion section.  Corrections are done in the Notebook.
2019년 5월 17일