Somogyi Béla
How do you learn or prepare for an exam? Please share your thought and methods about this topic. I have taken many exams in my life as most of us have done it too. Everybody has his own routine. There were really good advice above. Of course it is easy to say that do not worry etc.. The night before one of my state exam I could not sleep at all. It was terrible. But in reality most of the time we overestimate the exams and we have many non-realistic anxious feelings and thought which is detrimental. My personal advice: Preparation is the key. The result will not be depend on the exam day but your preparation. I recommend to learn a lot(the best way suits you) but take breaks. Take 5-10 minutes break after every 45 minutes. You cannot concentrate in a high level for tooo long. Maybe you think you can but in reality it is impossible. Stand up move listen to a song etc. Drink lot of water and eat more magnesium during your preparation period. It seems to a small thing but it can help a lot. Sleep. Sleeping is a ubiquitous topic nowadays. You cannot skip sleeping. Learn hard prepare hard but relax!! 7-8 hours of sleeping is vital for good performance. And do some sports. Maybe you think it is a waste of time but error:D No:))) It is vital to be effective. 
2019년 5월 22일 오전 5:30
댓글 · 2
I agree with most of what you said. For important examinations, I usually take breaks in between or I make sure that I walk or exercise and not sit all day. The brain needs oxygen and stimulus. A good sleep really helps, although sometimes that is difficult to do.  My style is simple actually.. After my classes, I study on a daily basis for at least 3 or 4 hours after school. That way, I do not have to cram for my test. 🤔
2019년 5월 22일

I was not good at studying. Yes I had a little bit nervous but in my opinion it’s just a test the important thing is I had to do it no matter what. So I tried to keep good psychology the day before my exams.   

2019년 5월 22일