Italian native speaker is looking for english mates for lanuage exchange. Hey everyone.  I am an italian native speaker and I am here to find new foreign language english speaker to improve my skills in english and at the same time,  to teach and helping to improve your italian.  Hope to speak soon with you.  Bye! 
2019년 5월 25일 오후 11:06
댓글 · 6

Ciao Nazzareno,

Mi chiamo Philipp e vengo da Colonia (Germania). Ho cominciato imparare l’Italiano e cerco qualcuno per chiacchierare  un po. La qualità del mio Italiano non é gia veramente bene... Ma sono qui per questo motivo!

Even though English is not my native language,  I think of myself as a fairly proficient user of the language. As a scientist, English (in spoken and written form) is the most important language in my everyday life. However, if you are looking for someone to explain rules of grammar etc., I might not be the best choice... After all, I’m not a language teacher.

Should you be interested anyway, we could have a chat...



2019년 5월 26일
2019년 5월 25일
If you want me adding to whatsapp,  I gonna send you my mobile phone number 39 3408242506 
Bye 👋😊
2019년 5월 26일
Why not Philipp.  As I can read,  your italian is quite good.  Anyway,  I love foreign languages and I speak a fluent english and good feenche but,  unfortunately few german words only.  Anyway,  I am disposed to have an italian or english conversation if necessary.  Catch you soon.  
A presto per una conversazione in italiano.  
2019년 5월 26일
Hey there. How is it going?  I am so happy to have you in my page.  How about you?  Are you learning italian? 
2019년 5월 26일
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