william WANG
how to use the word " lollop"?
the meaning in the dictionary is walk in a bouncing or awkward way, sometimes rolling motion
but how to use it ? I really need some sentences examples to well understand that
I suppose that "lollop" is used a lot for children since they are often energetic and bounce a lot
and we rarely use this word for adults?

thanks a lot for your help
2020년 6월 7일 오전 11:09
댓글 · 10
I'm from the US and have never seen this word before. I notice people on Italki often asking about obscur words like this. Seems like a pointless waste of time to me.
2020년 6월 7일
1 They lolled and lolloped about day after day.
2 He lolled and lolloped about after school.
3 The dog came lolloping towards them.
4 The dog came lolloping up the path.
5 Tongue lolling, the dog came lolloping back from the forest.
6 They watched a rabbit lolloping across the road.
7 A herd of elephants lolloped across the plains towards a watering hole.

Hope these help.

2020년 6월 7일
The huge puppy was lolloping along behind the boy.

The three legged giraffe lolloped around happily.

The friendly giant would lollop down to the stream each morning to splash about.

Lolloped and lolloping are more common than lollop, but I cannot remember seeing any form of the word used outside stories for small children. It implies a funny harmlessness as well as bouncy awkwardness.
2020년 6월 7일
Hi William,
I have thought about this some more overnight and I think you should avoid using "lollop" to refer to a human, especially an adult.
It implies moving in a less than human way, and could well be used in a racist way, or be seen as a racist slur. It would certainly never be polite.
As Rosco says it is unlikely you would ever actually need to use it unless your teacher is setting you a challenge to use obscure words.
I hope this helps.
2020년 6월 8일
The only way I think you might use it for an adult person would be to make fun of them. Perhaps you could call a politician a lolloping buffoon if they were doing something ridiculous where they moved in that way.

It's the sort of thing that might have been said about Boris Johnson by a journalist at some time in the past.
2020년 6월 7일
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