Looking for a Chinese for English exchange Monday-Friday on Skype

Hello Friends,

I am looking for enthusiastic English students who are interested in Chinese exchange during the week.  It must be China 8-10 o'clock in the morning on Skype.  I will help you with American English.  Write me if you are Intermediate level or above.

2012년 1월 13일 오전 3:35
댓글 · 10

My Skype ID is ajiao44107

2012년 10월 30일

now that you want to learn and practice mandarin, why don't you take the initiative and post your skype name first?

2012년 4월 28일

skype ,  keetimer


2012년 4월 23일

I'm Maizi , a university student with enough spare time,my skype is:xiaomaizi2012.  <img title="Cool" src="" alt="Cool" border="0" />   

2012년 2월 16일

hi, i am denny and 8-10 .am totally works for me.  my skype is: denny.oy818  

take care!

2012년 2월 16일
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