Sarah Cupcake

What are some (stupid) stereotypes about your country? I'm from France, and people tend to believe that we like to walk down the streets holding a baguette under our arms, wearing a bérét and black pants, that we always drink wine and eat frog legs and/or snails, that we all smoke, that we (women) stink because we don't shave, don't shower and don't use deodorant; that all men are gay and cowards and that we're all extremely rude. So proud to be French right now haha. What about you? =D

2012년 1월 14일 오후 5:27
댓글 · 22

Wait, are you telling me all that stuff about France is not true???


I live in Australia, but I don't seriously think that people believe we ride around on kangaroos, do they? Because that's just stupid. No, we just keep them in the house as pets ;)

2013년 6월 2일

I honestly don't care what people think about the French. I actually think it's funny because I don't see myself as an uptight, arrogant woman who thinks everyone else is inferior because I'm Parisian so it doesn't really bother me especially because once people get to know me they always say the same thing: "you're so different from the French people I know!". Ok.. and how many French people do you know? One day some Brazilian guy sent me a message asking me why French people were so rude and that it was a stupid behavior and that we should stop acting that way and "no wonder no one likes the French". Well thank you, nice to meet you too! That's why I wrote this post, I just think it's funny (mostly stupid but funny too) because I know that a lot of people are totally different from what they are said to be. I'm not saying everyone is nice but they're not all bad either.


And I know a lot about American stereotypes as well and I still believe that you can't put a label on someone because of some dumb stereotypes about their country. And we're definitely not all fashionable even in the so-called fashion capital. :)

2013년 6월 2일

You have probably heard a lot of things about Russia.

People tend to believe that russians are drink a lot, or even that everyone in Russia drinks vodka. Well it's not 100% true, but yes, alcoholism is a serious trouble for our country and for a lot of families in Russia (mine isn't an exception). 

That it's always cold in Russia. Of course it's not. And Russia is a largest country in the world, covering more than one-eighth of the Earth. The climate is various. But in most big cities we have cold winter and hot summer with a mild spring and autumn. It's funny that Russia will host 2014 WINTER Olympic Games in the southern Russian resort of Sochi on the Black Sea. Ok, no judging, let's wait and see!

People think that there are a lot of corruption in Russia. Well, this one is totally true.

That russian girls are one of the most beautiful in the world. Tastes differ.

Russians are rude. We have different mentality different culture. If somebody doesn't smile you back, it doesn't mean he/she doesn't like you. That person must be closed or cold person. Of course he or she could be rude and unpleasant, I meet guys like this everyday. What I'm trying to say is you can't treat all russians alike.

2013년 6월 7일

Dear God dear Lord lol well at least that's a cool stereotype, I would love to ride a kangaroo to school. Someone asked me if I knew what a playstation was once.. mmh.. we do live on a different continent but I'm pretty sure we are living in the same century lol

2013년 6월 2일

What do you think steoreotypes are, Natalia?

2013년 5월 31일
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