What country do you like the most and why?

I like England, becouse I like its culture and people

2012년 2월 18일 오전 12:50
댓글 · 17

I really like Australia, although I haven't, but I love the Australian Customs also has the scenery over there, I also like United States village

2012년 3월 4일

i love vietnam,because i'm vietnamese. and i love all countrys in our world, its interesting to discovery and learn more.

2012년 3월 4일

I love India... because India is a beautiful country with lot of torist places, good environment, well cultured people and etc etc

2012년 2월 29일

I love the United states of America.I love American music,films and many others. FEBRUARY 27 IN RUSSIA CEREMONY SHOWN Academy Award Oscar 2012 Live Broadcast from Los Angeles

2012년 2월 28일

but i do not mean that i do not like any country else ,,

2012년 2월 27일
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